The qualification standings have been updated with the results of the 2024 CQ WPX CW contest.

This update also includes some score changes so that the following qualification rule is reflected:

5.4: If an operator’s call sign appears for more than one entry in a single Qualifying Event (e.g., from operating at more than one station), none of the operator’s scores may be submitted from that contest.

This will be seen by the removal of the second (and third etc.) entries for the same event per entrant where they occur, changing the qualifying points to zero for the remaining entry, and adding a comment in the remarks column.

Where there are more than 3 Multi-Op entries, or more than 3 Out-of-area entries, the lowest qualifying points figure is now not counted (actually has been set to zero) so that the total qualifying points is an accurate figure. There are comments added in the remarks column for these also to explain the reason.

There are some other changes where home qualification areas have been changed or confirmed for a small number of entrants.

If anything looks incorrect, please contact the team at [email protected] as usual and we’ll look into it promptly. 

Randy K5ZD tells me that the 2024 ARRL DX CW results have now appeared in the August QST. We should be able to include these results too in a couple of days. Let’s first make any corrections needed with WPX CW, and then we can move quickly to add the first ARRL results.
